
Give a pumpkin some 9er spirit!
Download theseCharlotte 49er patterns and carve up some Niner Pride this Halloween! Send us a picture of your finished product! @unccaux. Enjoy! All-in-C carving pattern Norm “game face” carving pattern CLT stencil pattern for painting or Dremel tool sculpting

Niner Advantage is back Oct. 13 to 26!
Are you running low on Optional Dining Account (ODA) funds? Between Oct. 13 and 26, if you deposit $200 or more to your ODA account, you will receive a Niner Advantage incentive of 9% additional ODA! Even better, if you add $400 to ODA, you will receive a Niner Advantage incentive of 9% additional ODA […]

Charlotte Greens to open Aug. 22 with good, healthy “fast food”
Charlotte Greens, featuring build-your-own grain and salad bowls, will open for dinner at South Village on Aug. 22. The goal of the new quick-service restaurant is to provide a healthy and quick evening food option for students on the south side of campus. According to Chartwell’s Marketing Director Mrinali Rao, “Charlotte Greens begins with good […]

Holiday shipping deadlines
Holiday shipping deadlines Whether you are traveling to see friends and family or remaining at home this holiday season, Mail & Package Services has your shipping needs covered. Let us help you get your gifts to loved ones on time. Please note the United States Postal Service has implemented a temporary surcharge of $.25 to […]

‘Thank-Ful’ friendsgiving event celebrates togetherness and gratitude on Nov. 18
‘Thank-Ful’ Friendsgiving On Thursday, Nov. 18, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Dining Services will host “Thank-Ful,” a campus-wide friendsgiving event at SoVi celebrating togetherness, expressing gratitude, and giving back to UNC Charlotte and the campus community. In partnership with Chartwells Higher Education, UNC Charlotte’s foodservice provider, UNC Charlotte students will join 300 other schools […]

September is Passport Awareness Month
Now is a great time to check your passport expiration date, especially if you have spring or summer plans to travel abroad. Most countries require a minimum of six months of passport validity. If you apply now for a passport for spring travel, you can avoid having to pay an expedite fee. Getting or renewing […]

Dining Services finds staffing (and student) success with new space
The past couple years have brought uncertainty for businesses trying to hire and train new employees across the service sector. Chartwells, our dining partner, is meeting the challenge with some unique approaches to attracting and onboarding new workers. Door to the Niner Diners Hiring Center in Cone Center Building. Photo: Katie Turner, Business Services In […]

The ABC’s of buying college textbooks
As we head into a new school year, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the number of online textbook retailers and options for renting or buying textbooks in all kinds of conditions–from pristine and shrink-wrapped to torn up and barely readable. If you find yourself in this situation, we want to remind you that the […]

Top 5 tips for using your meal plan
Meal plans are confusing – there’s no doubt about it. So what are the most important things to know about using your meal plan when you get to campus? Let’s count down the top five: #5 Meals versus Declining Balance: Know the difference Your meals can be used at either Crown Commons or SoVi for […]

Niner Gift Wrap
Got a Niner on your Nice List? Here are two letter-sized patterns to print for small presents, or tile several together to DIY Charlotte-themed paper for larger gifts. All-in-C wrapping paper Holiday Norm wrapping paper