Do you bleed 49er Green?

Even during a pandemic, with fewer cars on the roads, accidents and injuries still occur. Babies continue to be born, and some are perilously premature. Somewhere, always, children and adults fight cancer or endure disease or infection. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. requires blood, a life-saving treatment that can’t be made in any lab, not even with an Operation Warp Speed-type of a mandate.
Blood is always needed, especially now; supply has suffered as blood drive events were canceled or scaled back to accommodate COVID-19 protocols. Even the upcoming annual campuswide blood drive, 49ers4Life, will look a bit different this year, but it will happen!
12th Annual 49ers4Life Campuswide Blood Drive
Wednesday, March 24
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Popp Martin Student Union 340
Based on Red Cross statistics that state one pint of blood can save up to three lives, the previous 11 49ers4Life drives have helped more people than can fill our football stadium.
There is so much we couldn’t do this past year. Here’s something we CAN do: save a life or three.
But wait, there’s more!
Thanks to campus and community sponsors, those who present to donate at the drive will receive a long-sleeve T-shirt and be entered for a chance to win great door prizes that include:
- Niner gear and apparel from Barnes & Noble Charlotte
- An annual standard parking permit for 2021/2022
- One-year UREC gym membership (Faculty/Staff)
To schedule an appointment, visit and enter the sponsor code “49ers4life,” call 1-800-RED CROSS or download the Red Cross Blood Donor App available through the App StoreSM and Google PlayTM.
All blood types are needed. Bring a driver’s license or two other forms of identification. Individuals who are 17 years of age weigh at least 110 pounds and are generally in good health may be eligible to donate blood. Save time by using RapidPass to complete the health history questionnaire on drive day, before your donation time.
Hesitant or never donated blood before?
- Do you know that certain blood types are sought for burn victims or that people with sickle cell anemia especially need blood from African-American donors? Read about the lives you may save.
- Hate needles? Tips to face your fear for the greater good!
- Questions about COVID-19 safety or timing with receiving a vaccine?
To get started and learn more, visit and follow the instructions on the site.
Prizes donated by Barnes & Noble Charlotte:
12th annual 49ers4Life blood drive sponsors
Student organizations
UNC Charlotte Red Cross Club
Student Government Association
Department sponsors
- Business and Auxiliary Services
- Parking and Transportation Services
- Conferences, Reservations and Event Services (CRES)
- Popp Martin Student Union
- University Recreation
- Housing and Residence Life
Partnership Sponsors
Barnes & Noble Charlotte bookstore
Canteen Vending Services
Chartwells and Dining Services
Ricoh and REPROS document center
Union Station