Ozzi Containers
Get takeout from SoVi or Social 704 with OZZI reusable containers. OZZI reusable containers are available for a nonrefundable fee of $6.
How it works – SoVi

- Purchase a BPA-free O2GO container at the SoVi register for $6. You may use a credit/debit card or your 49er Account, Declining Balance (DB) or Optional Dining Account (ODA) to purchase.
- Return the container to the OZZI machine located near the entrance of the dining hall in the cupola. No need to wash or rinse it!
- Collect the token to exchange for a fresh container.
How it works – Social 704
- Purchase a BPA-free O2GO container at the Social 704 register for $6. You may use a credit/debit card or your 49er Account, Declining Balance (DB) or Optional Dining Account (ODA) to purchase.
- Return the container to the cashier at the entrance of Social 704.
- Exchange your old OZZI container for a new one.
The OZZI® machine is a Chartwells Higher Education nationwide sustainability initiative. It only takes a few thousand O2GO containers in rotational use to keep 1,000,000 single-use containers from ending up in landfills.